10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

The diagram shows a mammalian heart:

human heart diagram
Image by burlesonmatthew from Pixabay

1. What is the name of the large blood vessel that returns the blood to the right atrium of the heart?
  • A. Vena cava
  • B. Aorta
  • C. Pulmonary vein
  • D. Pulmonary artery
2. Which part of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body?
  • A. Left atrium
  • B. Right atrium
  • C. Aorta
  • D. Bicuspid valve
3. Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?
  • A. Left atrium
  • B. Left ventricle
  • C. Right atrium
  • D. Right ventricle
4. In the diagram the tricuspid valve and mitral valve are open. 

Which of the following is true?

  • A. The left ventricle is contracted
  • B. The right ventricle is contracted
  • C. The ventricles are relaxed
  • D. The atria are filling
5. Which of the following is true?
  • A. All arteries from the heart carry oxygenated blood
  • B. The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood
  • C. The wall of the left ventricle is thinner than the wall of the right ventricle
  • D. The pulmonary valve is always closed.

6+7:  Two students were training for a long-distance race. They ran together for 30 minutes and recorded their heart rates every 10 minutes. The results are shown in the table:

Time (minutes) Heart rate (beats /minute)
Student A Student B
0 65 75
10 77 90
20 80 110
30 95 120
6. After 10 minutes of running, student’s A heart rate had increased by ..
  • A. 77 beats per minute
  • B. 12 beats per minute
  • C. 15 beats per minute
  • D. 30 beats per minute

7. What can be concluded from this data?

  • A. Student A is fitter than student B
  • B. Student A has been training for longer than student B
  • C. Student A is male and student B is female
  • D. Student A has a lower resting heart rate than student B


8. The muscle of the heart requires energy to contract. Which blood vessel supplies the heart muscle with oxygen and glucose?
  • A. Aorta
  • B. Pulmonary artery
  • C. Coronary artery
  • D. Pulmonary vein
9. A patient is told that their cholesterol levels are high.  Why might this be concerning?
  • A. The patient will need a heart transplant immediately
  • B. There may be a buildup of fatty deposits in their coronary arteries.
  • C. Cholesterol is found in dairy products like milk and cheese
  • D. The patient will turn green
10. When a person has angina or a heart attack there may be a blockage in one of the coronary arteries. The muscle tissue of the heart may be respiring anaerobically.

Which substance may build up when the muscle is respiring anaerobically?

  • A. Glucose
  • B. Carbon dioxide
  • C. Lactic acid
  • D. cholesterol