Target: 10 Questions in 10 minutes

An IB Chemistry data booklet is helpful

1. Why does the substitution reaction between ethane and bromine require UV light?
  • A.   To form a bromide ion, which acts as a nucleophile.
  • B.   To break the C-H bond in ethane in the initiation step of the reaction.
  • C.   To break the Br-Br bond in bromine in the initiation step of the reaction.
  • D.   To form a ·CH3 radical in the propagation step of the reaction.

2. Which equation could be a propagation step in the reaction between propane and chlorine?

  • A. I and II only
  • B. I and III only
  • C. II and III only
  • D. I, II and III
3. When 2,3-dimethylbutane reacts with chlorine in the presence of UV light, how many mono-substituted products can be formed?
  • A.   2
  • B.   3
  • C.   4
  • D.   6
4. Which one of the following species is not a free radical?
  • A.   OH
  • B.   Br
  • C.   CH4
  • D.   NO

5. Which of the following equations shows an example of a homolytic fission?

  • A.   C2H4 + Br2  CH2BrCH2Br
  • B.   C2H6   
    C2H5 + H
  • C.   C2H5OH + Br -    C2H5Br  + -OH
  • D.     Br
    + Br

6. Which one of the following particles is not going to be a product in the reaction between ethane and bromine?

  • A.   C3H8
  • B.   C2H5Br
  • C.   HBr
  • D.   C4H10

7. Which row shows the correct type and the condition for the reaction between propane and bromine?

  Type of the reaction Condition for the reaction
A. Free radical substitution Heat
B. Electrophilic addition UV
C. Electrophilic addition Heat
D. Free radical substitution UV

8.  Which particles can be found in the reaction mixture between ethane and chlorine?

II. Cl -
  • A.   I and II only
  • B.   I and III only
  • C.   II and III only
  • D.   I, II and III

9. Which equation represents a termination step in the reaction between methane and bromine?

  • A.   CH4 + Br2  CH3Br  +  HBr
  • B.   Br
    +  H
  • C.   Br
    + CH4 
    CH3  +  HBr
  • D.   Br
    + Br

10. Which of the following species reacts the fastest with C2H6?

  • A.   Cl2
  • B.   Cl+
  • C.   Cl
  • D.   Cl -