This quiz has both SL and HL questions

1. Which property will show a general decrease across the Periodic Table from Li to F?
  • A.   atomic radius
  • B.   electron affinity
  • C.   ionization energy
  • D.   electronegativity
2. Which set of ions is listed in order of increasing ionic radius?
  • A.   Cl- < S2- < Ca2+ < K+
  • B.   S2- < Cl- < K+ < Ca2+
  • C.   K+ < Ca2+ < S2- < Cl-
  • D.   Ca2+ < K+< Cl- < S2-
3. Which equation represents the electron affinity of calcium?
  • A.   Ca(g)  +  e-Ca-(g)
  • B.   Ca(s)  +  e-Ca-(s)
  • C.   Ca(g)Ca+(g)  +  e- 
  • D.   Ca(s)Ca+(s)  +  e- 
4. The ionic radius of Mg2+ is less than that of F-. Which statement helps to explain this fact?
  • A.   Magnesium is in period 3 but fluorine is in period 2
  • B.   Mg2+ has more electrons than F-
  • C.   Magnesium is a metal and fluorine is a non-metal
  • D.   Mg2+ has more protons that F-

5. Which of the following properties will generally decrease with increasing atomic number for both Alkali Metals and Halogens?

I. Electronegativity
II. Ionic radius
III. First electron affinity
  • A.   I and II only
  • B.   II and III only
  • C.   I and III only
  • D.   I, II and III
6. Which of the following are listed in the order of more exothermic first electron affinity?
  • A.  Cl, Br
  • B.  F, Na
  • C.  F, Cl
  • D.  Li, Na
7. Which statement is correct?
  • A.   The ionic radius of sodium is greater than its atomic radius
  • B.   The electron affinity of fluorine is greater than that of oxygen
  • C.   The outer electrons in chlorine are more shielded from the nucleus than those in bromine
  • D.   The ionization energy of potassium is greater than that of lithium
8. Which of the following lists the correct order of first ionization energy of the elements?
  • A.   Be < B < C < N
  • B.   Li < Ne < Na < Ar
  • C.   K < Na < Mg < Cl
  • D.  Mg < Al < Si < P
9. Oxygen has a less endothermic first ionization energy than nitrogen because...
  • A.  there are more protons in the nucleus of oxygen than nitrogen
  • B.  the outmost electron in oxygen is in the same orbital as another electron
  • C.  the outmost electron in oxygen is in a higher energy subshell than in nitrogen
  • D.  the atomic radius of oxygen is smaller than that of nitrogen

10. In which of the following combinations does the bolded species have the higher first ionization energy?

I. Na, Mg
II. P, S
III. Ne, Ar
  • A.  I and II only
  • B.   II and III only
  • C.   I and III only
  • D.   I, II and III