10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

1. The functional group of the carboxylic acid family is ...
  • A.    C=C
  • B.   -O-H
  • C.   –COO-
  • D.   –COOH
2. Ethanoic acid is formed when ethanol is exposed to microbes in the air. This type of reaction is an example of ...
  • A.   oxidation
  • B.   reduction
  • C.   fermentation
  • D.   esterification

3. The displayed formula for carboxylic acid A is:

carboxylic acid A


The name of carboxylic acid A is ...

  • A.   butanoic acid
  • B.   propanoic acid
  • C.   methanoic acid
  • D.   ethanoic acid
Q4-5 Ethanoic acid reacts with magnesium metal.

4.The name of the gas formed in this reaction is ...

  • A.   carbon dioxide
  • B.   oxygen
  • C.   hydrogen
  • D.   ethane
5. The name of the salt formed in this reaction is ...
  • A.   magnesium ethanoate
  • B.   magnesium ethanoic
  • C.   magnesium ethanide
  • D.   magnesium ethoate
6. A salt is formed when a carboxylic acid reacts with sodium carbonate. The other product(s) of this reaction are ...
  • A.   hydrogen only
  • B.   water only
  • C.   carbon dioxide and water
  • D.   carbon dioxide and hydrogen

7. The approximate pH of ethanoic acid is ...

  • A.   pH 1
  • B.   pH 5
  • C.   pH 9
  • D.   pH 13
8. Ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol to form  ...
  • A.   a salt
  • B.   an ester
  • C.   a polymer
  • D.   a sugar

Q9-10: Polyesters such as terylene are formed by the reaction between a dicarboxylic acid with a diol. Polyesters are condensation polymers.

9. Polyester is known as a condensation polymer because during its formation ...
  • A.   gas turns into liquid
  • B.   only one product is formed
  • C.   a long chain molecule is formed
  • D.   water is also formed

10. Block diagrams of monomer A (a dicarboxylic acid) and monomer B (a diol)  are:

Monomer Blocks


The repeating unit of the polymer formed from these monomers is:

monomer blocks x4